Month: July 2013

  • Down With The Ship

    With Xanga going under like this, I've gone from sad to indifferent. A few months ago, I was walking around, nearly depressed because this site was my baby. It's just like finding out your favorite novel has come to an end and you are hesitant about reading that last chapter. It was rough. Now, I'm at a place where it just seems like a good excuse to finally work out the kinks of Word Press. 

    The promotion of the fundraiser was piss-poor and I doubt that they will reach their goal. It would be cool if they did, but... I don't know. I'm betting they will make another extension until they reach it. Unfortunately, I won't receive any significant amount of money until December or January, at the latest.  In a perfect world, I would have been able to donate... That's my situation and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.

    The captain must go down with the ship. So, after seeing so many goodbye entries, I figured it would be nice to do one, too... even if it's for the 2nd time. 

    It was a good run. There were lots of ups and downs throughout my life. I was a kid, fresh out of high school and very hungry to find friends and make connections on the internet. When I look back at it, Xanga was like the "Mother Hen" to most of my online friendships. Most of the people I communicate with on the internet are former and current Xanga bloggers (mostly former). That says a lot when you consider all the other sites that were out around the early 2000's. Of course, none of them had the community and spirit of Xanga. This place was different. In a few ways, even in its twilight moments, it's still my preferred home on the internet.

    Life must go on.  

    If Xanga magically has a second coming and I'm able to purchase a membership, I just might do it. Things might look better down the line, but you never know. Uncertainty is a nasty old hag that needs to get shot. It's a shame that I know her well.

    We danced to this song before, but you can click the link for my contact info. It's not like this is the death of the internet, so you can definitely keep up with me on the other sites and social networks I joined. From this point on, we're all going to be nomads, spreading across the internet. We're going to have Google+ and Word Press tribes... Or we just might have a Xanga 2.0, but there's no place like home. 

    I'll be around.



    The Newsroom: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
    By Emily Mortimer, Jeff Daniels, John Gallagher Jr., Alison Pill, Thomas Sadoski
    see related


  • Oh, shit...

    You know what I just realized? Neville Page from Face Off is following me on Twitter. He's actually been following me for a while now (over a year). No contact or retweets or anything, but he's on my list of followers. Here's the thing: He's only following 300-something people compared to the thousands that are following him. In a way, I feel fuckin' special because I'm apart of that 300-something. Oh, and 300 isn't really a big number when it comes to Twitter. Why is he following me? Maybe he likes my work. Don't get wrong, I thanked the shit out of him when he added me, but I just didn't think it would be... permanent. What'e even crazier is that he's active on Twitter. It's not like he signed up and forgot about it. I'm deliberately being followed here.

    Just an observation. 

    I need to produce better content---better work! He's watching me.



    JLA Vol. 8: Divided We Fall
    By Mark Waid, Bryan Hitch, Paul Neary
    see related

  • A Possible Move...

    I recently pitched my couch surfing idea to my Facebook friends. So far, no one in California wanted to take me up on my offer, but a friend in Portland is interested. The best part is that I know them, at least up to a certain extent. I worked with them on two comic projects, one awaiting a digital release and the other is Black Boot. Creatively, rooming up with them would be awesome. I was convinced that California just might be too ambitious starting out. If I'm hell-bent on it, I should at least have contacts or something lined up before I jump the gun. The cost of living is one of the main issues, too. 

    Well, see in the coming months. Hopefully it will work out because I'm long overdue concerning getting the heck out of here.

    I need to find a way to make a significant amount of money before November.

    Commissioned art?  

    What say you?

    In case Xanga dies out or whatever, you can drop me a line at


    L.A. Confidential
    By Kevin Spacey, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, James Cromwell, David Strathairn
    see related

  • Keeping Up

    My body is beyond sore. I'm sad to admit this, but helping my uncle move was the most exercise I got in a while. There's muscles and joints that were rudely awakened. "We're going to give out on you before you even make it there," said my knees. Oh, and my lower back was being a total jerk up the stairs. "Did you forget that we're lazy," it yelled. Throughout this journey, I hurt my neck, my back, my ankles---- Basically, I'm closed for repairs. Hell, I think I might even need a nurse.

    One thing I will say is that my uncle's house is nice. It's one of those places that wasn't meant for a Gordon, but he broke the rules concerning the impoverished and barely-making-ends-meet lifestyle. He gave the universe a swift kick to the balls and managed to get a decent house in the suburbs. There's multiple rooms, a swimming pool, a weight room, and other rooms he probably won't have time to be in. He's stressed more than anybody I know and he's aging rapidly. At the same time, he's doing a hell of a lot better when it comes to living conditions. This guy is trading in his health and sanity to get the things he wants. I guess what I'm trying to say is that he broke the family curse, so to speak. It took years of hard work, restless nights, and clocking in hours on the daily grind, but he got what he wanted. 

    I give credit when it's due and if you consider how my Dad grew up right along with my uncles, you'll know that the place I mentioned above is a big deal. Admittedly, I didn't want it to be a big deal, but after seeing the motherfucker, it's worth mentioning. He gets all the credit in the world for clawing, scratching, fighting, and kicking  his way through all the doors that had a giant "NO" sign painted on it.

    In more ways than one, it's very inspiring. 

    I didn't want to see or get involved with his new house because I figured it was some sort of "Keeping up with Joneses" type of deal. It's bigger than that, when you consider the traumatic childhood conditions. I mean, he grew up not knowing where his next meal was coming from. He had to share clothes with my Dad and they weren't even the same size. They had insects and furry pest running rampant. Basic necessities like electricity and water were denied due to lack of money. He, along with my Dad, had a rough fuckin' time growing up. My Dad felt the trauma more in the hunger area while my uncle felt it more in the financial side of things. One decided that he would never go hungry again and the other decided to never be poor again. One has a pathological need to succeed while the other stuffs his face.

    Both kept their promises, but one thing my Dad didn't realize was that you can have an excess of food and still live in crappy conditions. Unfortunately, I grew up the same way he did, minus one element. I remember the lights were cut off because we couldn't afford it. I know what it's like to boil water for baths because the gas bill was too much to handle. I was teased at school for wearing the same clothes throughout the week. One thing I can say is that I was never hungry and that's awesome. It really is. The thing is, my cousins never went through the hardships my siblings and I had to go through. They had clothes, electricity, food, transportation, and a warm bed for cool seasons. Shit, I'm sure they even had air conditioning for the warmer seasons.  

    You get the idea.   


    Invincible (Book 10): Who's the Boss?
    By Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley, FCO Plascencia
    see related



July 2013
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