Day: September 9, 2013

  • Adjustments

    According to what I read, my  premium payment actually does count for something. I wish the Xanga team would have mentioned that beforehand because that little nugget of information would have saved me from being disgruntled, sad, and even lethargic.  I was mainly worried about where would I blog, if not here.  I'm somewhat comfortable on Xanga, but I probably should make an effort to fill up my blogspot account with some content.  If anything, more artwork, but that's another subject for another time.

    The new format isn't that bad. It's really "Word Press" with minor adjustments. One of the things I'm going to miss will be the ol' whatcha playin' or whatcha watchin' Amazon option.  That was my little finisher to the entries and I feel a bit naked without it.

    Now, more than ever, we need blog groups to find each other again. The majority of friends I met on the old Xanga were through the groups and blogrings. There were the random visitors that stumbled onto my page, but that was during a time when people were eager to blog and didn't live in 140 characters or less.

    The theme is pretty damn plain and I miss the hell out of my old "look & feel." My photos are still showing up in the archives, but I can't access them. Right now, in the new format, we have a media library and it's... empty.  I figured the old photos would be there from the migration, but there must have been an issue or two.  I'm patient, but I am considering the customer service option.

    Then again, maybe it's time for a new theme. The old one was a bit geeky, but that's me. I guess you can say I'm the ambassador of geekery in the House of X. I remember a time when it was rare to run into geeks on here. Having the shindig set up the old way will let bloggers with similar interest know what's what. Nowadays, we all could use a little consistency, eh?

    I want to know how to sync my Xanga account with my Word Press site.  I have an attractive tech-goddess for this sort of thing, but I certainly don't want to come to her with any issues... not without having some compensation for her troubles.  To be honest, I like handling all this stuff on my own.  When it comes to Word Press, my technical kung-fu is growing... Slowly, but surely. More so, she's busy making moves that I probably couldn't even comprehend, so I'm going to refer to the tutorials and consult with this generation's equivalent of Socrates...

    Sadly, he's You

  • Well...

    I have to admit, this is a little awkward.

    I didn't see myself being in the new Xanga, but I'm here and I'm not even sure how that's possible since I, well... Let's just say I don't have two pennies to rub together, yet here I am. Maybe the $25 subscription counts of half a year or something? Maybe someone hooked me up? I really don't know, but I'm just going to go with it.


September 2013
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