June 1, 2013


    My name is Kenny Gordon, but folks know me around the web as “Kenesu,” which is simply Japanese for “Kenneth,” but Ken or Kenny will do just fine. I’m a freelance artist currently camped out in the city of Philadelphia, but have aspirations to relocate to areas rich in my field of work. 

    My artwork can range from sequential storytelling and character designs to sketch cards, movie posters, and tattoo design. I'm pretty good with anything that involves pencil, paper, and Photoshop. It's the classic case of a "Jack of all trades and a Master of none."

    My most recent gig involved illustrating sketch cards for Cryptozoic Entertainment.

    I'm currently working on an original comic book called Black Boot, co-created with Dan Schkade (The Private Files of the Fowl) and soon to arrive to the Committee Building website. I've been dragging my feet with it due to personal issues, but I plan to work toward its release with no more interruptions. I also have a few projects on the back burner with long time collaborator, Jennifer V Doudney (Womanthology: Heroic). You should definitely keep your eyes and ears open for future updates.

    While I'm happily juggling endeavors in print, I’m also searching for an manager I can work with to help launch my career as a working screenwriter. When I’m not over the drawing board, turning into a caffeine-addicted-cave-dwelling creature, I’m turning into something even worse, writing screenplays for film and television.

    I have two feature length scripts and a third that’s moving it’s way into 1st draft territory. There’s also two hour long dramas I’m developing. One is a supernatural/horror complete with a pilot script and series bible while the science fiction one is still in the strategy phase.

    If you want to contact me about art or anything relating to business, be it commissions or ideas in general, my email is “kenesu84 at yahoo dot com.” Drop me a line. I tend to check it 3 or 4 times a day because I probably have OCD or something.

    If you’re feeling social, you can find me on Twitter and I even have one of those Facebook pages because its seems decent for building a fan base. It’s also a good excuse to post art more frequently and that’s something I promise to do really soon. I normally wouldn't post my personal Facebook account, but there's a good chance we won't be seeing each other here anymore, so here's the link: Facebook.

    Kenny Gordon | Create Your Badge

    For added measure, I might as well post the links to my Pandora radio account, my long neglected Blogger site, and my Tumblr.  I would post my Google Plus page, but... Oh, to hell with it. Why not? The thing is, it's rather shitty to figure out. I don't really use it, but if I'm willing to make a "Xanga Circle" depending on the demand. Google +. Just know that when it comes to Google Plus, you're better off emailing me or adding me on Facebook. Who uses Google Plus anyway? Seriously? Then again, who uses Xanga anymore? 

    DeviantART is definitely a great place to keep up with my artwork. I damn near update it with Facebook simultaneously. I also have a Behance portfolio site with the same content. You have options. 

    Any gamers in the mix? My Playstation Network handle is "Kenesu." I know, who would've guessed, right? If you add me (and this goes for any site), be sure to mention Xanga so I can differentiate you from a spam bot. 

    My website still looks the same. I must have ran through two web guys that were, at the time, excited to help a bloke out, but they eventually flaked. Despite those setbacks, I’m in the process of giving the Word Press template the ol' college try to see if I can make it interesting. I'm a firm believer in teaching an old dog new tricks. I happen to be days away from my 29th birthday, so there's no excuse. I can learn Word Press. 

    Most of the sites I provided carry links to my other pages, so you don't have to bookmark everything... unless you want to. I certainly won't mind. Sadly, I can't really say which one is my central hub or nest. Facebook might be a contender. Hell, I'm still deciding on the location for a future blog. Maybe there's really no need for it. 

    We shall see. 



    Up From Below
    By Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
    Track: Home
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Comments (5)

  • Amazing artwork. Sorry to hear that Xanga is going down... have to transfer all my blog entries to my website wanderingschmuck.com. 

    Seriously, that's where to find me! http://www.wanderingschmuck.com
    Keep strong I love your illustration. 

  • @phoebester - The fundraiser just might pull through. I guess what it really comes down to is my wallet. Should I pay for a $48 subscription fee when I already have a Word Press site? That's what I'm debating in my head because I'm a broke artist. Money is hard to come by and $48 for a blog will hurt me when I need art supplies... or food.

    Xanga just might live, but it'll be dead for the folks who can't afford the subscription model.   
    By the way, I'm totally bookmarking your site. 

  • Hey, I'm going to friend you on Facebook. My real name is Leah (so you know who the random person friending you, is!).

  • @TheyCallHerEcho88 - Request confirmed. Oh, and don't take this the wrong way or anything, but... You are beautiful. 

  • @Jack_Hawksmoor - Aww, you're too sweet! Thanks for accepting

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