June 25, 2013

  • The way of the Nomad

    I finally received my check from Cryptozoic. Hopefully, we will be able to do more business soon. I only decided to do 50 cards just to get my feet wet. Next time, depending on the licensed property, I'll do 100 or more. Compared to the previous card company I worked for, it only took a few months to get paid rather than lifetimes. Honestly, I hope I can manage to get something Marvel or DC related. That's my bread and butter, so to speak. As much as I've grown to love the Walking Dead, I went in knowing very little about the characters. I watched the TV show, but the cards were solely based on the comics. 

    The sad part about finally getting paid is that I had to give up most of my check to the family because, well... things are falling apart around here. I'm not the only one in this house that's going through a rough financial patch. In the meantime, I'm looking into a security job, a front desk job, and a couple of other things. It's rough as shit out here, when it comes to getting employed. If you're working, especially if it's an office setting, be thankful for your current situation. It's a lot better than sitting by the phone, crossing your fingers for an interview. You know where your next check is coming from. Shit, I really miss direct depositing... I miss having a bank account... I miss not worrying about how I'm going to pay for things...

    Jenn Doudney, a former blogger, encouraged me to look into couch-surfing. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the term, but it's pretty self-explanatory. Basically, you travel and spend the night in someone's home rather than a hotel. Sometimes, it's multiple homes, depending on the length of travel. Musicians, especially when first starting out, spend the night in a band mate's house---or a fan's apartment---whatever. It's a neat concept because it's a very temporary thing that can produce long term benefits. Jenn seems to think that it would blend in seamlessly with my artistic endeavors.  

    I've been wanting to move to California for a long time because it's the source of all the things I want to do. Movies, animation, and even television (Canada might be the new HQ for TV... I'll have to look into that). At the end of the day, it's the mecca of entertainment. It's easier to be a storyboard artist, character designer, or just a plain artist in California. There's more job opportunities, I think. Spending a few months on someone's couch to capitalize on those opportunities would certainly be worth it.  

    Right now, I'm looking into people I know, or at least have some inkling of who I am. Whether it's through a mutual acquaintance, a friend of a friend, or something... I'm not really that picky. All I need is a place to sleep, draw, and write. I'm pretty decent around the kitchen, too. On the other hand, there's a site called couchsurfing.org that's geared towards the vacation side of traveling, but I can tailor it to my needs. 

    Any of you have any experience with that sort of thing? Hell, an even better question: Do you live in California and want an extra pair of hands around the house? Hahaha...

    No, I'm serious. 

    My plan is to move out there, find a job and do everything I can to get my work out there, whether it's the art or the screenplays. I want to find a manager for screenwriting and possibly and agent for my art. Maybe I can skip the agent thing and get work at one of the many studios in the area. We shall cross that bridge when it comes. I just know that it's hard trying to do this stuff when living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's a alright city, but in order to fly, I need to jump from the nest. I don't mind going through a website to make arrangements, but if there's a chance to set something up outside that site, I'm game. 

    Of course, I'll need time to get things in order. One, I'll need the plane ticket. I never been on a plane before, so I'll need the whole passport sha-bang. Clothing is sort of an issue at the moment. I'm poorer than Joe's Turkey, you see? Investing in a laptop would be ideal because I doubt I can drag this PC with me. In any case, I need to save some money, which is a little impossible, seeing as I don't have much to my name. I'm working on it.

    That's my goal. By age 30, which is just one year from now, I want to be out of this house and in California. In 2014, I want to kick ass and make the best out of all the opportunities that come my way. 



    The Experiment
    By Adrien Brody, Forest Whitaker, Cam Gigandet, Jr Clifton Collins, Fisher Stevens
    see related

Comments (3)

  • I wish you the best of luck. I live in Los Angeles, and it's definitely the place to launch a creative career. It's challenging on the one hand, because many people are out here trying to do the same thing you are. But it also means you can network easily, and that there are lots of small projects around that can lead to bigger ones while you're working a "regular" job to support yourself in the meantime. You can do it!

    I ever hear of an "empty couch," or if you just want a friend to meet up with when you move out here, then we should keep in touch.

    (A car would be very helpful, too. Everything is so spread out, and public transportation exists but isn't the most convenient. But those details will work themselves out. :) )

  • @reginasikora - Ooooo... you live in LA, huh. There is a crowd, but I should be able to throw my name in the hat, you know? Art is highly competitive at the stage of the game, but I'm cool with that. It means I'm doing the right thing---there's a demand. 

    I have no qualms about renting a car from Enterprise. Of course, I'd have to learn how to drive and all of that, but whatever... I'm very much the Johnny "Come Lately" with most of the things in life. It's a pathetic existence, but I'm on my way to rectify certain inequities (starting with location).
    I would love to meet up. Oh, and if you can keep your ears open for that particular thing, I will totally appreciate it. 

  • @Jack_Hawksmoor - You are welcome. I have no doubt it will work out for you. You have talent, grit, and the willingness to do what it takes, and trust me not everyone in the LA pool has all of those qualities. :)  

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